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Trademark Protection

Trademark protection is given to logos, names, and other marketing devices, which are distinctive. These distinctive trademarks are often referred to as "strong" trademarks also known as "intrinsically distinctive" marks. Trademarks are well known to the public through their use over time. Trademarks that simply describe some feature goods are generally considered to be weak and thus unpredictable under trademark law. Trademarks protection helps in maintaining trademark rights asserting and defending against trademark claims and business issues in trademark ownership. Trademark is protected on the basis of either registration or use. Products, which are capable of infringement, can be protected by trademark protection. Trademarks provide protection to a certain services or product from being copied by other manufacturers. And in some cases, trademark protection deals with the other aspects of the product such as its color and packaging other than symbols, phrases and words that single it out from other products. Internationally, the protection of trademarks via registration has long been accepted. In almost, initially rights are secured by registration and maintained by later use in the country.

Trademark Protection Services

We promote international trademark protection in a practical and constructive manner. Communications and exchanges among different countries in the field of trademark strengthen to study new problems and make clear about how things are going in the world. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals, who are high proficient in protecting all trademark services.

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